We're told to put on the Full Armor of God but do we really know what that armor is? There's a lot of bad teaching out there when it comes to the pieces of the armor. It's time to cut through the junk and get down to the truth. What did Paul mean?
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Three Churches
Just before recording, I went for a walk to pray and clear my head. On the route were three churches, each from a different denomination. The Lord spoke to me as I walked and told me to pray for each of them. What the Spirit had to say to them has benefit for us all as it gives insight into His heart. I share mine with you as well. To understand the direction the Lord is sending me and the message He has given me, tune in to this episode. You may find a touch of His call yourself.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I'm all about breaking barriers. Racial, economic, denomination, I'll break almost any barrier you got. I'm in favor of breaking the sound barrier. There are some barriers I won't break. Too much danger lies beyond the one that must not be broken.
Monday, June 17, 2013
State of Things, Pt 2
Where is the church today? That's some of what the Lord laid out for me when I was flat on my back. Today's episode picks up where we left off with the real State of Things. What does the Lord have to say to us for the days we live in?
Monday, June 10, 2013
State of Things Pt 1
While on my back, the Lord and I spoke often. In fact, He did most of the talking. I wrestled long and hard with all that He showed me and said. I've already shared some of what He said and State of Things is revealing more. He opened my eyes wide to the reality of the church today, where we are, and where we are going. The beginning isn't pretty but don't despair. Not yet, anyway.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Time to Reflect
These last several weeks, I have been out of commission with a very painful hip injury. However, the time away from the mic was fruitful. While flat on my back, the Lord had much to say. Tonight, I share some of it with you.