There have been many issues and decisions that needed to be reevaluated or reset. A lot of prayer has been happening as well as thinking and finding wise counsel. Several things have happened, many of them personal, that have changed our direction or sharpened our vision. Two major decisions were made after a lot of prayer and deliberation.
The first is that we are feeling lead to change the location of Freedom Church. From the inception, we believed that we were to plant in Peoria or, perhaps, East Peoria. However, events of recent weeks and input from prayer partners have caused us to seek the Lord's face to make sure we had heard Him correctly. Instead of Peoria, we believe we are to start in the Sunnyland neighborhood of Washington. Like the initial areas we had investigated, it is a largely blue-collar area populated by factory workers, tradesmen, and others not normally comfortable in a typical suburban, middle class church. They're good people who are not currently being reached by any of the local churches. It is ripe for the Gospel to be presented in a unique way.
The other is that we have not been public enough with the vision and goals for Freedom Church. So, we are correcting that. Within the next couple of weeks, a website will be set up, even if we only have limited content at first, Twitter account created, and the full vision made available to anyone who wishes to read it. Another blog, Freedom Church Chronicles, will be the new home of updates on our progress. As time allows, the previous updates from this blog will be transferred to the new one so that everything will be in one place.
This blog will return to what it was originally intended to be, my personal blog attached to the Jesus' Outsider program and for anything else it strikes me to write. Who knows what may pop up on this page?
More will follow soon! Check both blogs for updates!