Monday, June 29, 2015

Responding to The SCOTUS Ruling

By now, everyone knows about the Supreme Court ruling of 6/26 making gay marriage the law of the land. If you were shocked by the decision, perhaps you need to listen. The church is in a precarious position. How do we go forward? What lesson does this fight hold for us?

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Curses & Cussing

Scripture tells us to bless and not curse. What does that really mean? Is cussing the same thing as cursing?

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Church, PTSD, and Other Mental Illnesses

Conversations about PTSD and other mental illnesses are increasing. As this interest and awareness grows, the church needs to respond. What's our track record and how do we go forward from here?

Check out this episode!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Unpopular Part of Love

No one likes to be disciplined. We correct our children when they mess up so they won't do it again. Why? Because we love them. Once we're adopted through the blood of Jesus, we're God's children.  This is the unpopular side of God' love.

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Children of God

You've heard it said a lot. TV, movies, regular folks, and even some preachers say it. "We're all God's Children." Are we?

Check out this episode!