Monday, January 30, 2017

Compassion at Gunpoint

(From The Archives June 29th, 2012) Is it really compassionate to be forced to give? Is it compassionate to force someone else to give against their will? These questions plague our culture today and dominate much of the political discussion in this country. Sure, the words might be a little different but the meaning of them is not. There is a better way and the Word lays it our for us.

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Law and The Christ Follower

There's so much conflicting teaching on the Law of God. Some say that it's no longer necessary while others put their entire focus on it. There must be a place of truth. What is the real relationship of the Christ follower and the Law? ©2017 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Full Counsel

It's time to cut through the clutter and noise. There's so much more than pep talk in the Word that we don't seem to hear anymore, not as often at any rate. Context and the full counsel of God are more important now than they have been in years. What could we be missing? ©2017 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Proof of Love

There is a proof of God's love that we don't often discuss because it's not always fun or sunny. In fact, there are entire movements and teaching that deny this important spiritual truth. Without it, we can't grow in Christ as He intends.

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 2, 2017


Freedom! It's more than just a political idea, more than just a buzzword. It's the theme for everything we do at Jesus' Outsider Ministries. There is a liberty beyond anything the world can offer. There is peace, healing, and broken chains in Christ. Get the truth straight from His Word.

Check out this episode!