Monday, July 22, 2019

Cult of Personality

We see them all the time, these cults of personality. Politicians and other live and die by them. There is a danger to them, especially for the Christ follower. They're a double edged sword and both sides can be lethal. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Dangerous Cliches

We hear them all the time. We may even say them ourselves. Phrases and statements that drip so easily from the tongue usually offered in times of trial or grief. Is it possible that these cliches may actually be doing harm? (From The Archives, Original Broadcast Date 10/10/2016) ©2016 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Rather Than Men

We live in increasingly tumultuous times. New laws are being considered that will make our jobs harder, including a new one under consideration in California. Cultural pressure is against the Gospel. The temptation is to be like the world and engage in direct cultural assaults. However, what does the Word say about civil disobedience? When is it actually allowed? ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries

Check out this episode!