The church seems to be losing on every front. No one who understands truth can argue that dark times are upon us. If anything is to change, we need to change some things to be able to engage in the Real War. (From the Archives, Original Broadcast 7/2/2015) ©2015 Mike Kerby and Jesus' Outsider Ministries
Monday, August 26, 2019
Monday, August 19, 2019
Danger of Celebrity
Celebrity has its price. All too often it is the celebrity and those who put them there that pay the price. This is especially true with what some have called the rockstar preacher. ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries
Monday, August 12, 2019
After The Fall
Pastors and leaders fall. It happens all the time. Some are very high profile while others are more private. Not all of them are the same. Too often, many of these are leveled as a weapon at the church including a newer and growing threat. When it happens, what should we do? ©2019 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries
Monday, August 5, 2019
Did you ever wonder if there's something missing, that there's a disconnect in your walk with Christ? Is there a root for all the deep divides in the Body? Perhaps something is missing from too many of our lives. It might even be something important. (From The Archives, Original Broadcast Date, 12-05-2016) ©2016 Mike Kerby & Jesus' Outsider Ministries