Monday, March 29, 2021

Setting The Stage

Exegesis? Eisegesis? What are you talking about? If we're going to rightly divide the Word of truth, we need to have some fundamentals for understanding. That means learning a few new words and the basic assumptions made when studying the Bible to help it make sense. Part One of Rightly Dividing.©2021 Pstr Mike Kerby and Freedom Bridge Ministries

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Noble Minded

What is it to be noble minded? Luke writes this of the Bereans in Acts 17. Of course, anyone who went to Sunday School knows the answer, right? Lots of churches have Berean in their names. Let's go deeper into these role models. ©2021 Pstr Mike Kerby and Freedom Bridge Ministries

Check out this episode!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Oh, Those Itching Ears!

False prophets and teachers don't rise up in a vacuum. Far too often, they're just giving the people what they want. Itching ears need to be scratched. (Warning! Fiery Preaching Alert!) ©2021 Pstr Mike Kerby and Freedom Bridge Ministries

Check out this episode!