The time shall soon be a upon us. Very soon I shall keep my promise to return to the air. The logo you see to the right represents a great deal of time and prayer. Jesus' Outsider will soon take the place of A Madman in CrazyTown and boy will it be different. This blog will also reflect that difference.
I have greatly missed being on the air the last few weeks. After three and a half years of podcasting, not being behind the mic has been a little disconcerting. It's a little like being tied down to a chair with a gag in your mouth while watching the world around you fall apart. That might be a little extreme, but that's how it's felt. It's been hard not to jump the gun. There's so much to be said.
That's the point isn't it? There is a lot that needs to be said that few are willing to say. Sure, tons of hosts and preachers will talk about the good stuff of following Christ. Everyone wants to hear about the blessings, healings, and maybe a nice dose of prosperity. We don't even mind if someone talks about how bad the world is and how much better it is to be a Christian. Afterall, it's us versus them, right? Aren't we the righteous standing firm against the sinner, waging the culture war for the good of all? If you listen to the majority of preachers, Christian talk show hosts, and other Christian celebrities, that's certainly the impression you get.
That's not how it is, not by a long shot. Unfortunately, those are popular messages and ideas. What's not so popular? That's a really long list. We don't talk about how much sin is in the church and how it's destroyed our authority to stand to the real evil. We've lost our resolve. We've also lost the perspective on who we really are and our true role in the world. We've rejected the lost, each other, and many Biblical mandates. The Church is far from the pure and spotless bride Jesus wants to come back for when He returns.
Someone has to be willing to say the hard things, both the good and the bad. Jesus told difficult truths that sometimes resulted in the people, especially the religious establishment, enraged and ready to kill Him. Yes, He preached love and a lot of powerful and positive things that needed to be said. He also talked about subjects that no one wanted to hear like suffering, persecution, and holiness. His words had power, authority, and conviction. Lives were transformed then and are still being transformed today.
I'm not afraid to say what's not popular or even difficult. There's one simple reason for that; I don't care about being famous or popular. I care about being true to the call that Jesus put on me and being obedient to His word. If I never receive one listener or one reader, I will still speak and write. That's my job.
So, you're probably wondering why the show is called Jesus' Outsider. Okay, maybe you're not but I'll tell you anyway. It's really simple. I am an outsider. Yes, I've been a part of some very big events and gone to "it" churches. I've been (almost) a part of the "in" crowd for years. To tell the truth, even when I'm part of the group I never feel like I belong. I just can't join in their visions and direction. I walk apart.
I'm not saying that their direction and vision are wrong. In fact, there are many people faithfully service Christ, as much as any human can, within these communities. Like all sinners saved by grace, they are doing so imperfectly just like me. There are parts they leave out and things they don't see. God has given me the gift to see and pay attention to things that others do not. I see the cliques, the hurting within our walls, and the sin in the camp. I am also blessed to see when unsung saints who hold no title or position bandage the wounded and bring the Gospel to those who are ignored or even despised. I have the perspective of one who is truly outside the mainstream despite being in the thick of it. I'm going to share it all.
None of this makes me special or anything else. Like you, I am a sinner saved by grace in need of a daily dose of His Spirit and His word. I'm just a little different. That's all.
I expect to be on the air the first of the year. I have a lot of work to do between now and then but I will spend some time each week writing this blog to get the wheels rolling. Let's shake things up together.
Very good. Look forward to it.