Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Help Make The Sex, Porn, and Freedom Conference Happen

There is a cancer spreading throughout our culture and the Body of Christ. It’s time to face this evil head on.

Pornography and the culture it creates has penetrated every level of society. It’s everywhere including the church. Some of the numbers:

  • 33% of youth pastors admit to pornography addiction or to struggling with pornography
  • 40-45% of Christian men admit to being addicted to pornography
  • 70% admit to struggling with porn
  • 25% of all internet downloads are porn related

This is just a taste. However, if you believe this is just a problem for men, consider the following:

  • Fifty Shades of Grey has sold over 125 million copies worldwide with an estimated reach of nearly double that amount with libraries and book sharing. Millions of Christian women have been exposed to the BDSM lifestyle in its pages.
  • Surveys range from 25-40% of women admitting a pornographic addiction.

Our culture is becoming increasingly sexualized and it’s influence is felt in the church. That’s why we are putting on the Sex, Porn, and Freedom Conference scheduled for May 14th of this year. We’ll be sharing the full statistics, how porn has influenced our culture, and, most importantly, how to break free from its clutches. We’ll be using personal testimonies, clinical methods, and the power of the Gospel to share freedom from sexual addictions.

Our speakers include Pstr. Mike Kerby, (Director of Jesus’ Outsider Ministries and program host), Kim Kerby (a survivor of the real BDSM lifestyle and Addiction specialist for Jesus’ Outsider Ministries), Kevin Sisco (D.MIN., LCPC, CSAT, CMAT, Antioch Group), and Rich Gerberding (Men of AIM).

In order to make this conference happen and help stem the tide of sexualization in the church, we need your help. We are looking for businesses, congregations and ministries who are willing to stand up to this evil and support our efforts.

Through sponsorships, direct donation, and congregational support, we need to have at least half of the projected cost (approximately $3000 of an expected $6000 cost) covered before we start selling tickets. We need to accomplish this before April 1st to ensure a venue has been booked and printed materials can be ordered. 

Sponsors with at least $75 will be featured on the conference site. Higher levels of sponsorship (at least $150) will be in the participant guide including a full color logo and a QR code to the sponsor’s website or Facebook page.

Please consider how you can help. More information and links to make contributions can be found on a special section of our site dedicated to the conference or you can contact me directly. My contact information is below.

In Christ,
Pstr. Mike Kerby
Director and Program Host
Jesus’ Outsider Ministries
Office: (309) 670-0302

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